Category: Drawing

  • Inkvember Doodles

    Inkvember Doodles

    A doodle from my noodle. New Video on YouTube.

  • Isometric Cityscape

    Isometric Cityscape

    An isometric cityscape, the likes of which I might have drawn as a kid, contains elements from real life – a reflection of random thoughts on paper. In the upper right corner is a garden that we built this summer in our front yard. It was designed to match the neighbors’ garden. On the left…

  • Another Squirrel Sketch

    Another Squirrel Sketch

    I’ve got another drawing of our squirrel friend. Here she is eating some almond flakes, strategically placed on the fence where I could snap a reference picture. This drawing was done in a small sketchbook with various wooden pencils and a fine eraser. I started it a few months ago and left it unfinished for…

  • Turnagain Arm

    Turnagain Arm

    One day a few weeks ago, we were driving the Seward Highway and had to stop for a rock slide. I decided to take a picture and later I drew it in my sketchbook.